To ensure continious operation of mechanized columns, there are special mobile repair teams at LLC "BUDYVELNYK-3". Highly skilled machine operators of these teams in the shortest possible time eliminate the damage and restore the mechanisms. If directly on the construction ground mechanism that has failed can not be restored, it will be quickly replaced with a similar from park of reserve and auxiliary equipment. In the company. In reserve of the company always are:
– Cable-laying machines
– Excavators wheeled and tracked
– Tractors with wheels and caterpillar traction class to 6. 0 ton
– Tractors, trailers and semi-trailers
– Trenchers
– Dozers wheeled and tracked
– Cranes
– Tankers, gasoline tanks, cesspool emptiers
– Soil steaming machines
– HDD equipment and devices for puncture boreholes
– Winches
– Gasoline electric machines, compressor stations
– Pneumatic hammers, vibration hammers
– Blasting and mechanical tools, rammers
– Trench fillers
Before leaving to construction ground each vehicle passes mandatory technical checks on the state of readiness to perform the appropriate type of work. For this purpose, the company created a special mechanical-repair workshop. Workshop department area is 2600 sq. m. and provides the possibility of maintenance and repair tens of cars and mechanisms. The company has also formed division for the construction of communication lines, division of horizontal directional drilling and mounting and measuring division.