Within HDD division at construction company "Budyvelnyk-3" five complexes for various purposes are formed, which are based on existing drilling machines. Employees - foreman, operator of drilling equipment, location operator, operator of bentonite equipment, driver. Each complex equipped with special and auxiliary equipment.
– HDD equipment Vermeer Navigator D7x11, D18x22, D33x44, D36x50, D100x120 - for drilling horizontal wells with length up to 1000m and laying in them pipelines in diameter up to 1000 mm;
– Underground location system DigiTrak - for monitoring and managing the drilling process on the previously projected route;
– Drilling heads and extenders TriHawk - for drilling horizontal wells in soils of varying complexity and subsequent expansion of their diameter;
– System of preparing drilling mud BentoMix5000 - for lubrication, borehole walls strengthening, transport of drilling products;
– Cargo flatbed cars KrAZ 643701, URAL 43202, KAMAZ 5410 and 4310 - for the transportation of drilling machinery and equipment to construction grounds;
– Vans cars UAZ-39094 - to transport workers and tools to construction grounds;
– Cesspool emptiers - for pumping drilling mud residues, sewer and wells;
– Welding machine Kamitech 250 and ROVELD 250A2 - to connect polyethylene pipes of various diameters;
– Portable radios - for providing communication during drilling;
– Pomps, power stations, chainsaws, cars, household wagons and others.
The enterprise also includes division for construction of communication lines, division of mechanism repair and restoration and mounting and measuring division.